Neurodiversity Affirming Therapeutic Services

Neurodiversity affirming therapy recognizes and embraces differences in how individual's think, process, and experience the world. Our approach centers the neurodivergent experience and affirms that neurodivergent people, such as autistic individuals, ADHDers, or those with other developmental diversities, possess unique strengths and perspectives that are valuable and valid. By fostering understanding, providing tailored support to build skills important to the individual, and nurturing self-acceptance and self-advocacy, neurodiversity affirming therapy empowers individuals to flourish authentically and contribute their perspectives and talents to the diverse tapestry of humanity.
Autism Testing & Diagnostic Services
At Axis Mundi, we recognize the intrinsic uniqueness of each individual, thereby emphasizing a personalized evaluation process. Our methodology is rooted in a non-pathologizing, strengths-based approach, designed to comprehensively evaluate language/communication and social engagement diversities, while also pinpointing the distinctive strengths and interests that define each person.
Our team employs a blend of formal testing instruments and interactive play sessions to enrich our assessments for children aged two through eighteen. Our examiners have additional training in understanding complex presentations in autistic individuals, including the female phenotype of autism that has previously been ignored in autism evaluation. Upon completion of these sessions, we provide a comprehensive written summary of the evaluation, a medical diagnosis (if appropriate), and practical recommendations for nurturing skill development in harmony with the values and goals of our clients.
Early Intervention Services
Our early intervention program is grounded in the DIR/Floortime model, recognizing the profound impact of relationships on skill development and the integral role parents play in supporting their children. We embrace and honor individual differences, fostering an environment where every person's unique strengths shine and needs are respected and accommodated. Through our approach, we not only support skill development but also enhance parent attunement and strengthen attachment relationships. By harnessing the power of these connections, we pave the way for transformative growth and skill development.
Autplay, Individual, & Family Therapy
Our individual, family, and play therapy approaches champion the principles of neurodiversity affirmation. We prioritize the experiences and needs of neurodivergent individuals, while resolutely rejecting the arbitrary imposition of neurotypical norms or standards. This dedicated stance empowers us to create a therapeutic environment that fosters authenticity and celebrates uniqueness, ensuring every individual's journey is honored and supported.